Oh yeah, I almost forgot to post these. Luke and Betty Ford were interested in me to concept some t-shirt designs for one of the junior roller league called the "Poizon Skid'les" from BratCity Roller Derby. Yeah, I know it's mispelled. Betty Ford recently pointed that out. This is what I've got right now. Stay tuned for more.
My buddy Luke introduced me to Seattle's Rat City Roller Derby. It's an interesting art form. I really can't share the same fandom and enthusiasm as he does. But it's entertaining. I really enjoy the form and the motion the girls perform out into the track. Here's some sketch studies that I did from some of their photos.
Time flies so fast. It's been over 2 months since my last post. Been occupied with life, work, skateboarding and harpooning a demon whale while taming my lightning steed...you be the judge on the truth. I've drawn quite a bit since then. Out of all of them, here's my top drawings.
This one's probably the most surreal drawings I've done. Seriously when I was at the Kenmore Lanes bowling alley, there was this anime nerd dressed up in this cheesey Raiden getup. No Asian person ever wears those things unless they get payed to do a role in a movie or farming. Gotta love skate sequences.
My little sister's birthday is today. As a child prodogy of 80's, this was inspired by the Garbage Pale Kids. It was like Pokemon at the time except the characters didn't battle each other. It would be interesting though... Anyways, wish her a happy birthday whenever you have a chance.
Ok I couldn't help but post this one cuz I'm a lazy bastard and I won't get around to it. I've posted the last vid so why not put this one up as well. Here's my rotoscope animation that I did in AIS. And yes, it's another one relating to skateboarding. Hey, ya gotta have a hobby. Otherwise, people would start killing each other. Now, I know some people tend frown upon rotoscoping. They'd bitch and say, "That's just cheatin' and pure laziness!" Then I'd retaliate and ask, "Where's your rotoscope?" I'm a gamblin' man and say it'll be 9 out of 10 that they don't have one. On a serious note, rotoscoping has helped me alot on animating 2D. Sure, it's basically drawin' over live footage. But it's like an iron man match of performance and endurance. It also taught about not being too strongly attached to a frame cuz it's all about the overall animation. Otherwise, you loose patience and burn out. Most importantly, the results are fun and appreciative. I don't know about you. It's tuff to finish up somethin' you startup on. Anyways, after 4 weekends dating with Flash and the Wacom, 2 days of AfterEffects editing, and 8 Heinekin's later, this is what I got. I'm just really glad I can get something done completely. Damn it! I just realize the timing of audio is off...oh well, it's done and gotta move on with life.
Here's one of things I did when I was at the Art Institute of Seattle. This sucker took like about a week. At the time, I had two jobs where one I waited tables at Todai and the other was an animation lab tech at AIS. I remember I had to work like 30 hours at Todai and 18 hours at the lab that week. After doing my night shifts at Todai, I'd come back home to do all the frames. When I worked at the lab in the next mornings, I'd take the frames to the video capture station and screwed around with the timing of the animation. So this is how it turned out.
It's been a while since I've drawn my face in a while...or at least I try to. Some of them I'm not very proud of. But there's a couple that I like. I played around with some of the Photoshop colors. Eventually, I'd like to get my hands on Painter sometime. When I took some of the college drawing classes, we did a bunch of self-portraits. I was never a big fan of drawing myself since I thought it was too narcistic or vein. But now I get to understand a little more about myself. However, I wouldn't draw and paint myself naked like Egon Schielles did. My ego is not big enough to. I don't know. Maybe someday when my work starts getting to the level of Paris Hilton hottness.
I try to put some drawing time almost everyday. Like at least 30 minutes. What do I normally draw? Basically whatever I can feel from an illustration or some pictures and photos from magazines I normally stare at. You know. Like that lame ass dude trying to impress that hoochie mama from everyone's favorite late night show "Blind Date". He's all, "I wanna get to know cuz I'm feeling you. Do you feel what I'm feeling? Cuz I'm feeling you..." But on the serious and predictable side, I reference and draw from various magazines and books about skateboarding, fashion, video games, any kind of art, and martial arts. I try to vary my drawing subjects. But hey, everyone's gotta have a hobby. Often, I play around with some styles in my drawings. I hate to think I'm some kind of one trick pony. Recently, I decided to look back at my old sketchbook that I start from August to like early December of last year. It brought back some memories and things that I was experiencing when I did these drawings. Anyways, here's what I liked from my last sketchbook. Enjoy.
I've been planning to do a sketch/drawing blog for almost all of last. I kept on tellin' my buddy, Scott "The Cereal Killer" Warren about making a sketchblog. So here it is. Yes folks. My very first post.
The only blog I've ever done was a few things on myspace. But I really hate the blogging system. But I've noticed over the past years Blogger's got some really great stuff. Mainly blogs from my favorite artists and animators. I've also got some of my friends on blogger. When I see some of those blogs and posts, I was thinkin', "I wanna be cool just like them!" As lame as it sounds, blogging my sketches and drawings is a good way to express myself and get my drawings out there. As for now, here's a drawing of a bitchin' manitee wrestling with a scuba diver...or whatever you think what they're doin' together...shame on you...
I bet Jacques Cousteau can't break out of this gnarly leg lock